Rewarding Your Employees

Has an employee ever given you a good idea or done a lot of work lately and you don’t know how to reward them? Do you ever want to just make your work force feel appreciated and feel that some type of gratitude is in order? Well here are a few ways to reward those hard working employees.

1.       A simple thanks is always appreciated. It shows you noticed their hard work

2.       Throw a pizza party or a night out. It will loosen up those who have been stressing out lately and show you appreciate their work

3.       Give an extra long lunch break or comp time

4.       Give them a card with lottery tickets in side, its inexpensive and a nice gesture

5.       Give them a book or other small gift

6.       Have the entire team honor them with a standing ovation.

7.       Give them a gift card

These are just a few ways to show your appreciation for your workers. This lets them know that you realize that work can be overwhelming and you aren’t taking them for granted. The employees are what help the business run and if they are unhappy or feel unappreciated then worker productivity will deplete. So just take a second to show them that you care.

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